When turbid waters meet Sound Metrics imaging sonars, things get interesting. Very interesting. Take a look at some real-world examples of our imaging sonars in action.
Fish among branchesGO
Eels in bypassGO
Eel amid debrisGO
Crab at 10 metersGO
Close up of atlantic sturgeonGO
Circling salmonGO
Startled carpGO
Carp in fish liftGO
Bony breamGO
Big and small fishGO
Bass eating alewifeGO
Barracuda near bargeGO
Anchovy schoolGO
Alewifes avoid predatorGO
Damaged concrete matsGO
Gas LeakGO
Pipeline and flangeGO
Oil LeakGO
Hot Water in Cold WaterGO
Capsized oil rigGO
Bouncing pipeGO