When turbid waters meet Sound Metrics imaging sonars, things get interesting. Very interesting. Take a look at some real-world examples of our imaging sonars in action.
Salmon crossing pathsGO
Salmon at Cowlitz DamGO
Salmon and rocky bottomGO
Predator screenGO
Perch at 7 metersGO
Perch at 5 metersGO
Murray codGO
Manatee hoveringGO
Manatee and school of fishGO
Manatee and babyGO
Male salmon bitesGO
Hooked skateGO
Hooked halibutGO
Herring schoolGO
Giant grouperGO
Gar and pipeGO
Fraser river sturgeonGO
Fish in single fileGO
Fish in mangroveGO
Fish avoid larger predatorGO
Fish and wood chipsGO
Fish among rocksGO