When turbid waters meet Sound Metrics imaging sonars, things get interesting. Very interesting. Take a look at some real-world examples of our imaging sonars in action.
Two standing diversGO
Two DiversGO
Swimmer without finsGO
Hand in Zero Visibility WaterGO
Free diverGO
Four geeseGO
Diver turningGO
Diver scattering fishGO
Diver and ropeGO
Diver and mannequinGO
Diver and bubble streamGO
Diver and bubblesGO
Diver enters wreckGO
Breast strokeGO
Tire WheelGO
Sunken Boat in MilfoilGO
Sunken BoatGO
Crab TrapGO
Cinder block, two anglesGO
Brummer wreck pannedGO
Box on Lake BottomGO