When turbid waters meet Sound Metrics imaging sonars, things get interesting. Very interesting. Take a look at some real-world examples of our imaging sonars in action.
Aquarius captures school of fishGO
Aquarius captures Nurse SharkGO
Divers during Aquarius expeditionGO
Mesh Box RollGO
Kenai SalmonGO
Bottom Debris and FishGO
Shallow shore scanGO
Two salmon spawningGO
Trout around pilingGO
Sturgeon near damGO
Shad reactionGO
Scared eelGO
Salmon pair and satellitesGO
Salmon in hatcheryGO
Salmon in Ballard LocksGO
Salmon crossing pathsGO
Salmon at Cowlitz DamGO
Predator screenGO
Gar and pipeGO
Fish in mangroveGO
Fish among branchesGO
Eel amid debrisGO
Carp in fish liftGO
Barracuda near bargeGO